Manage Your assets.


What we do

We produce energy efficient products for utilities and monitoring solutions.

Through our patented technology we help our partners increase the efficiency of the grid as well as improving its stability. Through our team's extensive experience in the field, the team at PHV is creating ground-breaking technology, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and saving money along the way. Based out of Reston, Manitoba we have a unique opportunity to test our products in challenging weather as well be part of the some of the biggest energy generating projects in North America.

The Industries We
Proudly Serve

Our partners come from a varierty of different industries. These include:
Oil & Gas

Fast, efficient, and cost effective monitoring solutions to detect on-site methane Leaks

Electical Utility

Monitor power and distrubtion transformers for signs of potential outages


Available Energy efficient solutions for Monitoring medium transformer bushings and cables


Monitor environmental conditions to ensure safe operations of telecommunicatons equipment.


Monitor power and distrubtion transformers for signs of potential outages, with bushings rated for direct current operations.

Data Center

Monitor temperature, humidity, and energy usage for safe operations of data centers.